The Donor Map - regional distribution and statistics

Here we go: Our first intermediate result - The Regional Donor Map.

Prior to developing the anticipated fever map from aggregated heart rate information, we need to get a good understanding of the geographical distribution of our donors. Regional biases, for instance, need to be identified and considered in further analyses. Moreover, we must ensure that enough donors are registered in each district so that statistical evaluations are valid and the anonymization gained through the regional consolidation is guaranteed.

The donors in Germany

As of (16.06.2021), 538.174 donors have successfully registered their fitness wearables with our Corona Donation App. That is an average of 1.304 donors per district. Nationwide, we have a total participation of around 6 donors for every 1000 people, which is significantly more than we initially anticipated.

The particication in different districts

As mentioned above, we need to first check whether donors are geographically representative in our sample. Additionally, the method of aggregating from ZIP level to district level must be verified, since ZIP codes, which are used by donors to identify their location, in Germany do not necessarily merge perfectly into federal districts.

Using this approach we generated the following map showing the regional distribution of donors in Germany:

The Donor Map: Distribution of donors across Germany. On average, we have 1.304 donors per dictrict. In urban areas the number of donors can be substantially more, e.g. in Berlin, 25,091 donors registered at least one device (as of 16.06.2021). Use your mouse to zoom in or out. Double-click to reset the perspective.

From the figure above, we can assume that we have a solid data basis, where each district contains a sufficient number of donors.

Distribution of donors per district

The number of donors per district varies quite a bit from the number of inhabitants per district. In some districts, only a few 100 people decide to donate, while in other districts, more than 20,000 donors have registered. It is expected that a higher population produces more registered donors. The figure below illustrates the frequency of participation per district. On average, a district has around 1.304 donors.

Distribution of donors per district. This histogram shows how distribution of donors differs between districts and what the typical value is.

Since federal districts are populated to varying degrees, we anticipate a donor count that varies with inhabitant count. The relation between number of donors and inhabitants per county can be represented in a scatter plot like the one shown below. As expected, we observe a nearly linear relationship, indicating that participation does indeed increase with in proportion the the population size of a district.

Donor participation vs. inhabitant count: Each data point represents the relation between donor count (ordinate, y-axis) and population size (abscissa, x-axis) per federal county.

Donors per capita

In total, 538.174 donors are currently participating with a nationwide population of around 83.02 million people. This means that about 0,56% of German people are donating their data, or about 6 donors per every 1,000 people.

Taking this into account, it still needs to be investigated whether differences and geographical heterogeneities exist in the per capita donor participation. In other words, how does this per capita participation vary across counties? The following map answers this question.

The Donors per Capita Map: This map depicts the color-coded per capita donor participation, i.e. the number of donors per inhabitant of each county. You can see that certain regions show a significantly higher participation rate than others.

The number of donors per inhabitant is very important to consider in for further analyses. The fact that the per capita participation is not spread uniformly across the country needs to be taken into account in order to avoid any biases.

The question then arises whether the per capita participation is dependent on the inhabitant count. In other words: Does the population of a region determine the number donors per inhabitant? The scatterplot below depicts the per capita participation vs. the inhabitant count for each district. Despite regional differences, we can see that the relationship between the per capita participation and the population size of a district is weak and highly variable.

Per capita donor participation vs. population size: Each data point corresponds to a district in Germany. The correlation of percapita participation and population size, displayed in logarithmic scales, appears to be very weak.

Regional donor distribution vs. COVID-19 prevalence

The important question now is whether the degree to which people agree to participate in the corona data donation project correlates with the local COVID-19 prevalence. In other words, is participation determined by the local and regional situation?

The following figure depicts the per capita participation as a function of COVID-19 cases per district. The correlation of these two quanties is rather weak and statistically independent.

Per capita participation vs. COVID-19 prevalence: Each data point depicts the per capita participation (ordinate, y-axis, logarithmic) per COVID-19 prevalence (abscissa, x-axis, logarithmic) for each county. The point cloud indicates a very weak correlation.
Annika Rose
Annika Rose
PhD Student
Dirk Brockmann
Dirk Brockmann

Head of Research on Complex Systems Group